How Does FleetNow Integration Help Me?
FleetNow integration keeps your equipment listings up to date without any time or effort on your part. FleetNow syncs with your existing rental software or spreadsheet and updates your listings on FleetNow daily. Integration also gives you more control over your listings.
When you sell a piece of equipment, it will automatically be removed from FleetNow, so you’ll only get leads on equipment that’s available. And, if you’d like to hide equipment from the marketplace that’s on rent, that’s an option too.
Did you know, integration keeps buyers coming back? Buyers are always asking, “is this machine still available?” That means they are used to finding outdated listings on other sites. On FleetNow, buyers know the equipment listed is really available, and they have a better experience when buying equipment. Good experiences = return buyers.
How does FleetNow Integration Work?
Let us know how you manage your inventory, and we’ll set up an integration to keep your equipment listings current on FleetNow. FleetNow can set up integrations from many sources including your current rental software, an API feed from another advertising site, and from a spreadsheet.
We can accept an API feed from other advertising sites like My Little Salesman, for example. We’ll reach out on your behalf to get the feed from their IT department, and you’ll be kept in the loop throughout the process. We can also work with a custom API feed from your IT department.
If you manage your inventory from a spreadsheet, just share the file from OneBox, Google Drive, or OneHub, and we’ll pull the data from your spreadsheet every day to keep your listings up to date on FleetNow.
Rental software, like Point of Rental (POR), can automatically send reports to an email address that will update your listings on FleetNow. One of our integration experts will work with you to get the reports set up and sending properly.
Don’t see an option above that will work for you? No problem! Let us know how you manage your inventory, and we’ll come up with a solution!
My Listings are Integrated with FleetNow. What’s Next?
LEADS, LEADS, AND MORE LEADS will start rolling in after your equipment listings are integrated with FleetNow.
In addition, you can use FleetNow’s Dashboard to track your leads and view your equipment details at a glance.
Details like price changes and equipment that was recently added to or removed from FleetNow can be quickly viewed, making it easy to update your listings on advertising sites like Machinery Trader, My Little Salesman, and Equipment Trader. FleetNow can even update your listings on other sites for you, saving you even more time.
Integration also gives you the opportunity to show your current listings on your own website. We’ll create a custom page for your site that shows your listings from FleetNow. It will be built to match your site’s design, and it will always be up to date with your current inventory – just like on FleetNow! There’s no need to update equipment details in multiple places anymore. FleetNow takes care of it for you.
FleetNow is your partner in equipment sales.
Contact us today to start selling your equipment on FleetNow, and to learn more about FleetNow Integrations.