John Deere 3039R
The John Deere 3039R is a compact utility tractor made by John Deere. The 3039R belongs to the 3R Series, recognized for its balanced power, performance, and versatility in handling different agricultural and property maintenance jobs. As a compact utility tractor, the 3039R is versatile and suitable for a variety of tasks including mowing, tilling, landscaping, and more
John Deere 3039R Specs
John Deere 3039R Weight
The weight of the John Deere 3039R varies based on the transmission of the 3039R that your purchase.
- Open operator station (OOS) PowrReverser transmission: 3,005 pounds
- OOS eHydro transmission: 3,047 pounds
- Cab eHydro transmission only: 3,695 pounds
3039R John Deere Key Features
- Swift deck attachment/detachment in seconds facilitated by the compatibility with the AutoConnect™ deck
- Choice between Cab or Open Station configurations
- Twin Touch™ pedals for ease of use in either PowrReverser™ or E-hydro transmission options
John Deere 3039R For Sale

John Deere 3039R Price
The John Deere 3039R costs between $21,900 to about $54,000 on FleetNow.
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