Seller Resources

Discover essential tips, trends, and strategies for selling equipment successfully. Stay informed with FleetNow’s expert resources for equipment sellers.

Why Fast Lead Follow-Up in Construction Sales is the Secret to Selling More Equipment

February 12th, 2025|Categories: B2B, Seller Resources, Selling Equipment Online, Selling on FleetNow|

Table of Contents Introduction Timing is Key Why Construction Equipment Buyers Expect Speed 5 Tips to Nail Your Follow-Up Game What to Say in Your Follow-Up What Happens When You Follow Up Fast? FAQs Takeaway Why Fast Lead Follow-Up in Construction Sales is the Secret to Selling More Equipment Picture [...]

The Importance of Inspection Reports: Building Trust with Buyers

February 4th, 2025|Categories: B2B, Seller Resources, Selling Equipment Online, Selling on FleetNow|

Table of Contents Introduction What is an Inspection Report? Benefits of Providing Inspection Reports Key Components of a Comprehensive Report How to Obtain a Professional Inspection Using Reports to Build Buyer Confidence FAQs Conclusion The Importance of Inspection Reports: Building Trust with Buyers Providing an inspection report can make or [...]

How to Price Your Used Construction Equipment to Sell

February 4th, 2025|Categories: B2B, Seller Resources, Selling Equipment Online, Selling on FleetNow|

Table of Contents Introduction Understanding Market Dynamics Evaluating Equipment Condition Researching Comparable Listings Factoring in Depreciation Considering Additional Costs Highlighting Value-Added Features Adjusting for Seasonal Trends Setting a Negotiable Price FAQs Conclusion How to Price Your Used Construction Equipment to Sell Pricing your used construction equipment effectively is a balancing [...]

Top 10 Tips for Writing an Irresistible Equipment Listing

January 29th, 2025|Categories: B2B, Seller Resources, Selling Equipment Online, Selling on FleetNow|

Table of Contents Introduction Craft a Clear and Compelling Title Write a Detailed Description Include Key Specs Highlight Maintenance Records Upload High-Quality Photos Use Video Price Equipment Competitively Build Trust Offer an Inspection Report Make it Easy to Contact You FAQs Conclusion Top 10 Tips for Writing an Irresistible Equipment Listing [...]

How Much Does My Little Salesman Cost?

September 16th, 2024|Categories: B2B, Seller Resources, Selling Equipment Online|

Want to know how much My Little Salesman Costs? Looking to sell your equipment through an online marketplace? Read on to learn about My Little Salesman and online heavy equipment marketplaces. What is My Little Salesman? My Little Salesman is an online resource for finding heavy equipment, commercial trucks, trailers, and parts for sale. The [...]

7 of the best equipment sales email subject lines

September 5th, 2024|Categories: B2B, Seller Resources|

7 Of The Best Equipment Sales Email Subject Lines SELL YOUR EQUIPMENT ON FLEETNOW Are you using email to send equipment offers to potential buyers? Knowing your buyer and what they are looking for is the best way to get a response and start a conversation. However, even if you have a great relationship [...]

How Much Does Equipment Trader Cost?

September 2nd, 2024|Categories: Seller Resources|

How Much Does Equipment Trader Cost? So you want to know How Much Does Equipment Trader Cost? Deciding how to get the most when you sell used construction equipment can be difficult - there are many options and the marketplace is constantly changing. Here, we take a look at some of the features and [...]

How Much Does Machinery Trader Cost (And is it Worth it)?

August 28th, 2024|Categories: B2B, Seller Resources, Selling on FleetNow|

How Much Does Machinery Trader Cost (And Is It Worth It)? FleetNow Marketplace is our used equipment platform of choice, but that doesn't mean it's the only choice. In fact, there are more options than ever before, making the buying decision a bit tough. When we meet with prospective clients who aren't already using [...]

Can Advertising with FleetNow Help Me on Taxes?

March 13th, 2023|Categories: Seller Resources, Selling Equipment Online|

Every year, many new small business owners wonder if they can take an advertising tax deduction to reduce their tax liability. The answer is, yes, you can absolutely save on taxes by advertising with FleetNow. Here's a closer look at the rules on advertising as a tax deduction, and the services that FleetNow provides that [...]

How to Take Semi Truck Photos

September 13th, 2022|Categories: B2B, Seller Resources|

Looking for tips on how to take the best semi-truck photos? Following the “four corners” rule will ensure you show the best views of your piece of equipment, from the tires to the top of the cab. To capture the “four corners,” begin by snapping a photo of each corner of the semi-trailer truck. Listings [...]

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